A photo of Private Tomasi Tabuavou smiling whilst in uniform and with combat cream over his face.
Private Tomasi Tabuavou during Execise Aurora 2

Meet the Fijian Private who took part in the largest Swedish led military exercise in 30 years.

Turning 25 on Endex (final day of the exercise) will be one way for Private Tomasi Tabuavou to remember his time on Exercise Aurora in Sweden.

Ministry of Defence


Exercise Aurora is the largest Swedish-led Military Exercise in over 25 years. 26,000 military personnel from 14 partner nations took part. The scenario is that Sweden has been invaded by a fictional enemy, and the UK, US and other partner nations have been called upon to help defend their ally.

Find out first hand what Private Tomasi Tabuavou had to say about Exercise Aurora👇

If you could tell me your name and rank, and who you’re here with?

“My name is Private Tabuavou, I just turned 25 yesterday; you know what a way to finish the exercise. I was originally from 2 Mercian but we got disbanded and I came down to 1 Mercian.”

Are there other Fijians in 1 Mercian and is it nice to know others if so?

“Yeah, there’s loads. There are loads of Fijians in 1 Mercian when we came down. There are loads of us now. Back in 2 Mercian there wasn’t . There was just about six of us, that’s it. It is nice you know, to be around other Fijians. I have made friends with the Fijian community, even though we’re not related or anything I just call them uncle, just for fun, I go to their houses and just eat with them. They thought that I was a Gurkha because of the accent I have.”

Does your accent sound different to other Fijians?

“Oh yes well my parents, well my father works as a peacekeeper in Lebanon, so I lived in Lebanon for eight years. Then I went to New Zealand due to a scholarship for rugby. That’s why.”

Private Tabuavou with some of his fellow ‘dismount’ infantry soldiers, in front of their Warrior in the forests of Sweden.

Why did you join the military- was it because of your dad being a peacekeeper?

“I got into the military because I was thinking about a second option. University wasn’t for me and I wasn’t feeling it when I was there, you know? My father was in the military. He did ask if anyone of us [siblings], wanted to join but I said it could be my second option but none of my parents knew that I was going to join. So, I just did it. I did the application and then I got in and then only my father knew after I asked him to lend me some money, you know, and he’s asking what for and I told him that I’m going, to the British Army and they told me to come. So he helped me out, my mother didn’t know until I came here.”

What did your mum say when she found out?

“I got told off by her. She said, you should have said something. And I was like, nah, just wanted it to be a surprise but I wasn’t surprised when she was annoyed but now, she’s good. Now at least I’m helping the family. It’s good. It was only me and my father working, that’s why. But now my little brother’s working so everyone’s steady.”

How did you find Sweden as a place to exercise?

“It’s gleaming. The weather is different, you know, the first few nights when we came in was a bit cold. For me as a Pacific islander from Fiji, I need to get used to the weather because I’m from a hot country, a tropical one. I’m used to it now.”

Whilst Private Tabuavou and B Company 1 Mercian were involved in the land element of Exercise Aurora Royal Marines from HMS Albion took part in amphibious beach landings on the Swedish coast.

Whilst you’ve been on exercise have you meet anyone from Sweden, Finland or any other nations?

“Oh yeah, I did. I think some of the Corporals, thought that we were the same rank. We got talking and they wanted pictures. We did some trades with our badges. I got a knife in a trade.”

Giving a Finnish knife- or puukka- is a sign of friendship. So that seems a good trade?

“Yeah. They were just handing them out. It’s like we trade everything, and I was there and about to give them my shirt but it was too dirty, would be better to give them a clean one. They wanted to trade for a u-back but I forgot to bring my u-back because I didn’t want to wear it. I traded with the jungle hat, he was happy about it.”

As someone who travelled into the UK from outside of Europe, how do you feel about NATO? How important do you think NATO is?

“It’s very important. It’s better to have more allies, that’s why friendships are good.”

B Company 1 Mercian form up for a company photograph at the end of Exercise Aurora 23

What’s your favourite thing that you’ve done on the exercise here in Sweden?

“Oh, the best things for me is just seeing five tanks coming at me, and then trying to shoot but they were out of range. So we got to watch them as they headed back. It’s very cool.”

Ok, so what about the food?

“Oh the food? The food was gleaming, the Swedish food. It was the meatball with cheese — they were good. I keep eating it. But the breakfast, I didn’t eat it because it was too crunchy. My relatives think I’ve lost weight. I was calling one of them and she said ‘you’ve gone skinny, what’s happened to you?’ but it’s good.”

Is this your first exercise since being in 1 Mercian?

“No, I’ve done a lot of exercises. I’ve done Snowdon in Wales, been to Germany and now Sweden. I’ll be heading to Germany again after this. But this is my first exercise in Sweden.”

What are you most looking forward to now the exercise is finished?

“I’m looking forward to going out, and enjoying the food here. We are sleeping in the warrior basher. It’s very cool but very cold. I’m most looking forward to my bed.”



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